Parametric phenomena, which arise from the modulation of a system’s potential, represent a large and versatile class of effects in modern physics. These phenomena include squeezing, parametric amplification, mode coupling, three- and four-wave mixing, parametric resonance, and cat states. They can be observed in a wide range of experimental systems, such as cold atoms in optical lattices, integrated photonics, circuit quantum electrodynamics, optomechanics, exciton-polariton systems, and nanomechanical resonators. The precise control afforded by these engineered setups has opened new avenues for both fundamental research and practical applications, including quantum-limited signal amplification, tunable mode coupling, advanced sensing techniques, and both classical and quantum analog computation.
The goal of this workshop is to bring together leading experimental and theoretical researchers in nonlinear optics, circuit quantum electrodynamics, and nanomechanics to explore the prospects of this rapidly growing field. We aim to foster productive discussions and facilitate knowledge exchange across these diverse communities. All participants will have the opportunity to present a contributed talk or poster.
This is the third edition of the meeting and will take place 25 - 29 of August 2025 in Konstanz, Germany. See here for the webpage of the 2023 Parametric Phenomena Workshop.
Confirmed invited speakers
- Farbod Alijani (TU Delft)
- Wolfgang Belzig (University of Konstanz)
- Ramasubramanian Chitra (ETH Zürich)
- Letizia Catalini (AMOLF Amsterdam)
- Per Delsing (Chalmers University of Technology)
- Vincent Dumont (ETH Zürich)
- Mark Dykman (Michigan State University)
- Javier del Pino (University of Madrid)
- Alex Grimm (Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Rachel Grange (ETH Zürich)
- Pasquale Scarlino (EPF Lausanne)
- Gary Steele (TU Delft)